2023 Sustainability Results

Aspect Category Execution Results
Economy Operating Performance
  • Corporate Governance Evaluation Results 21-35%
  • Board attendance rate exceeds 85%
  • Among the 9 directors, 3 are independent directors
  • 1 female director, accounting for 11% of directors
Integrity Management
  • 0 cases of corruption, bribery, etc. violating integrity management
Regulatory Compliance
  • 0 cases of violations of environmental, social laws and regulations
Grievance Mechanisms
  • 0 cases of violations of environmental, social laws and regulations
  • 0 cases of forced labor complaints and reports
Customer Service
  • The annual customer satisfaction evaluation is over 90%
Business Continuity
  • Conduct annual business impact analysis and risk assessment, formulate improvement plans for major risk projects, and practice the effectiveness of the plans
Information Security
  • 0 cases of violation of custom-er privacy and other major information security incidents
Supply Chain Management
  • 100% banned conflict minerals
  • 100% return rate of supplier corporate social responsibility commitment letter
  • 100% recovery rate of supplier integrity survey questionnaire
Environment Green Product
  • The products are in compliance with European and American regulations on the restriction of hazardous substances
  • Ecological design is the core concept of product design
  • Select environmentally friendly materials and parts
Circular Economy
  • BS 8001 Circular Economy Optimization certified
  • The products are in compliance with European and American regulations on the restriction of hazardous substances
  • Taking ecological design as the core concept of product design
  • Select environmentally friendly materials and parts
Resource and Energy Management
  • Arcadyan Taiwan headquarters obtained external certification of ISO 50001 energy management system
  • Arcadyan Vietnam production center builds solar photovoltaic system
Climate Change and Carbon Management
  • Arcadyan headquarters and overseas production centers have obtained ISO 14064 greenhouse gas management external verification
  • Investigate Arcadyan Group's greenhouse gas scope 3 emissions and obtain external verification
  • Arcadyan joined SBTi submitted the committment letter in 2022
Society Employment/ Labor Relations
  • Provide multiple benefits and activities to balance work and life
Cultivation and Training
  • Improve talent development and training, and provide suitable career development
Labor Practices and Human Rights
  • 100% human rights awareness training rate for new employees
  • Prohibition of child labor
  • 0 cases of forced labor complaints and reports

Sustainability Spotlights
