

Arcadyan received the 2022 National Enterprise Environmental Protrection Award.

2022 / 11 / 04
Arcadyan received the 2022 National Enterprise Environmental Protrection Award.

Arcadyan Technology is the first professional and intelligent network terminal equipment company in Taiwan that integrates broadband, multimedia, wireless and Internet communication protocols. Responding to limited resources and waste pollution, Arcadyan rethinks its environment policy and modifies the design processes to incorporate circular economy. Being recognized for its sustainable operation, Arcadyan received the 2022 National Enterprise Environmental Protrection Award in November.

National Enterprise Environmental Protrection Award, presented by Environmental Protrection Administration, Executive Yuan, is the highest honor award for corporates that promote environmental protection. Corporates are evalauted by a team of experts and scholars on their performance in environment policy, energy and resource conservation, pollution prevention and environmental engagement.

Sustainable deveopment is one of the most important aspects for Arcadyan. All employees are dedicated to green designs and pollution preventions, including green procurement, life cycle analysis (LCA), sustainable develoment eco-design, for a safe and clean environment. Arcadyan implements innovative technologies to mitigate environmental impacts of climate change. By improving product safety, Arcadyan is able to provide cutomized product design and services, reduce  the impact on the environment, and achieves its goal of sustainable deveopment- creating a better future through networking.