
Sustainability Development

Material Topics

Arcadyan engages various stakeholders to gather feedback and understand their concerns. By following the GRI 3 and double materiality analysis methods, we identify material topics and review the impacts of our operations on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) aspects annually. This process serves as a crucial basis for Arcadyan's sustainable development, helping to set short-, medium-, and long-term sustainability goals. These goals are tracked and reviewed in quarterly sustainability task force meetings and reported annually to the Board of Directors.



In 2023, Arcadyan set up an online questionnaire collection channel on the "Corporate Social Responsibility" official website. As of the end of 2023, a total of 60 valid questionnaires have been collected; other paper questionnaires, tele-phone interviews, or e-mail and other channels Of the questionnaires filled out by stakeholders, 262 valid questionnaires were returned, a total of 322 copies, and the return rate of questionnaires was higher than 95%.

In 2023, Arcadyan identified material topics using the GRI Universal Standards 2021 edition, employing a Double Materiality matrix analysis where the "Impact" determines the significance of each topic. Stakeholder concern levels, assessed via surveys, represent the impact on Arcadyan (X-axis). External consultants and core members of Arcadyan's sustainability development team evaluated Arcadyan's impacts on economic, environmental, and social aspects (including human rights) across 26 major topics. This assessment focused on determining the positive and negative effects and their probabilities, specifically regarding Arcadyan's impact on ESG issues (Y-axis).

Create an XY matrix chart with X and Y axes and apply the quadrant principle to select the top 12 significant issues based on impact. These issues are categorized as follows. Economic Aspect: Economic Performance, Integrity Management and Anti-corruption, Regulatory Compliance, Technology and R&D, Customer Service Management, Business Continuity, Supply Chain Management. Environmental Aspect: Green Product, Circular Economy, Energy and Resource Management, Climate Change and Carbon Management. Social Aspect: Equality of Human Rights. These material topics unchanged from the previous year.